BlogProjectsThe Long Journey from Ralph to Jayk    


The Long Journey from Ralph to Jayk — 8 Comments

  1. Great write up Greg. Love your decision process.
    We towed an ’01 Grand Vitara behind our 5 cyl. (diesel) Navion for several years, both were getting long-in-the-tooth. Two years ago armed with both vehicle’s titles we lost the Novion’s tranny our 2nd day out in VA – I felt your pain with the Jasper.
    A week later we made Tucson traded in both for a Winnebago Aspect (Ford V10) and a 2008 JK, 2 door. I’ve put almost every skid plate available under side the JK as I’m leaving the body stock height. Next addition will be a front sway-bar quick disconnect kit.
    We have a ball in it exploring the AZ/NV/CA/UT areas we frequent. My wife finally got up the nerve to practice some 4×4 skills when we happened on the Ocotillo Springs Off-Road area this winter.
    Oh and the Spring Super bloom around Borrego was spectacular!

  2. Have fun out there in the big open spaces. It wouldn’t hurt to put Karin in some of those pictures of the vehicles.

  3. Chuckled at “anemic 160 horsepower” statement. My 14,000# Fuso k4x4 camper is pushed by a 160 HP four cylinder diesel. Moves us along just fine. But there is that diesel thing.

    • Hey Willie,
      Well, all things are relative (Einstein probably said that). The 160hp in Ralph was incapable of holding 70mph into a headwind. I’ve heard both good things and not-so-good about those small diesels. Glad you’re liking it.

  4. What a great addition to your adventurous family! Here’s to many, many happy and carefree miles of exploring!

  5. Welcome to the Jeep Wrangler world. I too, went through pretty much what you went through in choosing a flat towing vehicle. With all my extensive research, in 2016 I purchased a used 2012 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2-door with a hard top and love it. We tow it behind a 35′ Holiday Rambler diesel pusher and it tows flawlessly. In 2017 we visited all 10 Canada Provinces and 24-states with this setup and in 2018 we went south clear across the country to the east coast again visiting 15 states. We have done some off-roading with our Jeep and it really works well, just make sure you leave with plenty of gas (LOL). Congrats on the Wrangler and many happy trails to you.

  6. Welcome back into the jeep world
    She’s a beauty
    Also love your choice tires.
    Hope all is well happy trails and God bless MERRILL AND BARBARA and Bailey

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