BlogTravelsCarrizo Plain, California    


Carrizo Plain, California — 9 Comments

  1. Wow! I’ve never seen anything like those hills of wildflowers!! Do you have to walk a long way to see them and the dry soda lake? — more places to add to my list. 🙂

    • Many of my best wildflower shots were taken right from a paved or dirt road. As a matter of fact, when the “big” seasons hit, you have to walk a long way to NOT see wildflower-covered hills.

      The soda lake is right off the main north-south road (dirt). Reasonable road, although it can have some washboard. Passenger cars no problem.

  2. Have a wonderful sojourn for however long you’ll be away, my dear Greg and Karin. I shall miss you both. Love you, Mom……..and I agree with John Maloney

  3. Wow – some great colors – it’s a shame the moisture is so sporadic – gotta say I love your blog info, writing skills and technical knowledge. Wrap that up with an appropriately based financial formula for an RV and base camp living style; home run. Stay healthy and keep on keeping on!

    • Thanks John, you are too kind.
      Working hard on the health, and definitely dedicated to keeping on…

      Matter of fact, next week we’ll head out to the high deserts for a month or so. Checking out some places we’ve been, and maybe some we haven’t. Mid-May, we’ll be attending the Expedition Expo that we saw in 2014 — it should be bigger and better(?) this year.

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