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Blythe Wilderness Areas and DTC — 3 Comments

  1. Great story and pictures, Greg and Karin! So glad to be able to experience this vicariously through your adventure, rather than attempting it firsthand. I used to do similar treks on old, washed-out logging roads in the Cascade Mountains in my ’75 Suburban when my boys were little — this brought back some good (but scary) memories! I’m glad you and Ralph survived this awesome challenge.

    • Our biggest concern is a breakdown, 30 miles away from even a highway, let alone a town and help. For this reason, we always travel with an InReach satellite communicator. Our cell phones are typically useless, but the InReach can text/email or even SOS to SAR if need be. Haven’t used it yet, hope never to have to, but it’s great peace of mind.

      • Thanks for the info, Greg. I might have to look into that, in case I’m up in the mountains and get stranded with no cell phone service (and no mechanic sons along). I’d rather be prepared and not need something, than the other way around. 😉

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