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Chena Hot Springs Road — 9 Comments

  1. Circle Hot Springs,I was there in 1976 camping with 76 other airplanes..
    2 ladies walk up to our group ..they where from Chicago and there
    husbands where home steading !!!and went out on the Yukon River(north)
    they where gone for 3-4 days in the meantime the ladies got involved with an Alaska brown bear..they shot and kill it and asked us anyone like to find
    our bodies …canoing on the Y/R..we have a little package here and if you see them drop it off with a message to come back..
    I took it up to me to fly no more the 10 minutes and then turn back ( due to fuel availability) and hopefully we see the cano..
    no luck….no cano turned back and give them the package back..
    she said we could keep it for souvenier..
    I took it home ..I forgot about the package and put it on a shelve in the garage..about 3 months later I clean up the shelve and found that was a bearclaw with 5 tows ( they shot it ) and with many
    maggets eating the claw..
    I had to call the determinators to clean it up..
    that was my experiense of Circle Hot Spring

    Sorry for my misspellings..
    tony and marlene

  2. Wow! Very cool – literally! That ice museum looks like it was amazing. We have a big ice festival in Harbin China that has some of that wow factor, but I haven’t been yet. It looks like you guys are having an amazing time! A note on the Japanese tourists and the hot springs – the baths are a huge thing in Japan too, though done naked. Lots of health benefits. Thus, it’s not surprising that it’s especially appealing to Japanese. It’s always fun to seek out home elements away from home. 🙂 Love you guys!!

  3. thanks for the introduction to something ( the Ice Museum) I never would have thought actually existed.

  4. Strange…we were there in July of 2014 and it was a far cry from 26 degrees. Love your pictures though. Brings back a lot of memories of our trip.

    • Bob, that lead-in comment was just an attention-grabber :o)
      The only place that was 26F was inside the Ice Museum. Even with overcast skies, it was still 65F outside.

  5. That is a neat place, wife wants to see that when we go up next year. Keep up the great reporting. We really enjoy them.

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